Early this morning I was awoken by a severe charlie horse. Such a fun way to wake up. I understand a muscle cramp when exercising, but getting them while sleeping has always confounded me. Then I found myself perusing the book of face and saw … [Read more...]
Looking Back to move forward – Part 2
You thought that Tuesday's post was just a teaser... but no, I wanted to take some time to really reflect on the questions posed... Again - I don't intend to share my thoughts on all 6 questions (7?) but I do want to record a few thoughts... What … [Read more...]
Looking back to move forward – Part 1
Every year, I pay the renewal for the hosting and domain for this site... and then nothing. The last post I published was at the start of 2019 and since then... nothing. It's not that nothing happened. LOADS has happened since then... I … [Read more...]
Hello 2019
It's been a while since I've written. A whirlwind of life over the last few months could be the culprit or I could just be honest and admit that other things took priority. We make time for the things and people that matter, and for a variety … [Read more...]
Bent but not broken
Back in March, for those who have forgotten, life changed. I try not to dwell on the negative. I aim to find the rainbows in the storm... literally and figuratively. For the last seven months since the accident recovery has reminded me that sometimes … [Read more...]