A Love Letter… to Cheyenne’s Designs

Cheyenne's Designs

It’s a milestone in a young girls life when she finally is allowed to wear make up. Mom painstakingly teaches her princess how to apply a variety of products to enhance her already lovely features and to bring out her natural beauty. Mom and daughter explore color pallettes to find just the right shades to compliment skin tone and wardrobe choice… it’s a lovely image isn’t it?

Yeah… I honestly don’t know anyone who actually experienced that but it sounds nice.

I never really “learned” the art of makeup… and when I wear it, I tend to LOOK made up.  And… well, there are those times when I look a bit hookerish… but not Julia-Roberts-in-Pretty-Woman hookerish… more like Elizabeth-Berkly-in-Showgirls hookerish…which might explain why I’ve given up on makeup.  I’ve tried so many varieties and (a) I can’t pick the right colors so it looks fake instead of flawless (b) I live in TEXAS where the number of hot and humid days far outweigh the number of days that are not.  I will NOT wear a make up that takes forever to apply because well, I like sleep too much.

Before - Slightly-off-kilter.com

Most days, THIS is what I look like at work. In fact, this was taken at work.  You see those dark spots?  Uneven skin tone? Those are the things I want to get rid of… but again, it HAS to be easy.  Like REALLY easy.

Enter Cheyenne’s Designs.

My friend Evin over at Food Good Laundry Bad discovered them… and let me share a bit about Evin.  I ADORE her…. you HAVE to know that. But…. she’s kinda known for screwing things up.  So when I saw how easily she applied the miracle mineral make-up, I knew that if SHE could look flawless and gorgeous, then I HAD to give it a shot.

After - Slightly-off-kilter.com

The verdict?

The foundation – Sunkissed in my case – went on FLAWLESSLY.  And?  Lookie there… evenish skin & no dark spots.  It was light and honestly didn’t even feel like I was wearing makeup at all… more importantly, it was easy breezy to apply.

They eyeshadow selections I made were neutral colors because again, the look I’m going for is naturally flawless.  I used a combination of Champagne and Chocolate shimmer and love the subtlety they offer.  I’m about to expand my collection to include: Dragonfly, Artisan Coral, Glitter Chameleon, and Patagogian Purple. Even the color names are fun, aren’t they?!?!

Blush… *sigh*… Blush and lipstick are my Achilles’ heel.  Every time I try a new color that looks FABOO in it’s container, it looks orange on me… or too pink or too red or just somehow WRONG.  That was NOT the case here.  Debbie sent me out Earthy Rose – a Medium Pink with Brown undertones.  And?  I think it’s pretty darn perfect.  Because it’s a mineral makeup, it too goes on lightly, and you can layer for added intensity.

makeup 003For lipstick I selected Pink Magic.  First of all, I love love love that it is super sheer.  Secondly, I love that it is silky.  I’ve tried other mineral products and they often feel gritty or lose their moisture in mere minutes.  NOT the case with this.  I’m also uber glad that I was sent lip color in pots as opposed to a tube… when you accidentally forget that your lipstick is in the car and the car is like a gajillion degrees inside, well, let’s jut say it’s not pretty.  Somehow I feel safer with a pot o’ lip color.  Just sayin.  I was also sent the Toasted Chili lip color which is a darker and deeper red.

Did you know though, they don’t stop at make-up.  OH NO.  They also offer Soaps and candles and tarts Oh MY!

I’m sold… can you tell?  This is my new makeup and one I am HAPPY to support wholly.   Of course, I’m also loving that Cheyenne’s Designs rewards loyalty and referrals.  Here’s the deal –

Tell your friends about this website. If they order something worth $10 or over have them add your name to the order. Such as “Debbie Referred me” or how ever they want just so I know who sent them.  For every 4 friends that order something that you sent, I will give you a $20 credit. That’s enough to get a free eye kit or try nearly anything on the site.  Once you have the $20 credit I will email you or find you on FB to let you know.

smileSweet right?!?!  So, if you feel like telling them that I referred you, by all means, have at it but even if you don’t use me as a referral, you simply MUST try them.  I highly recommend the Mineral Kit #2 because with that you get: 1 Mineral Foundation, 1 MV Setting Powder, 1 Mineral Blush, 1 Lip Color and 2 Mineral Eye Shadows.  More than enough to redo your face as it were.  Not sure what colors will work best for you?  Take advantage of Cheyenne’s Designs Color Samples offered.   Also, head on over and check them out on Facebook too- that’s where you’ll learn about any upcoming sales or promotions.

I’m sure you will fall in love with them as much as I have.  And just to REALLY show the difference, here’s the before and after once again:


*these images were not retouched.  Trust me – that shows a tremendous amount of restraint on my part*

I was graciously provided the above pictured makeup from Cheyenne’s designs for the purpose of providing my honest review.  No additional compensation was received and the opinions are 100% my own.



  1. Love it! I’m a huge fan of mineral makeup but the good stuff is usually more than I am willing to spend. It looks great on you! 🙂

  2. Awesome! You look like a movie star! I have the similar issues with my skin and love her products.

  3. Oh, I’m in need of new makeup and I LOVE the look on you!

  4. You look fabulous either way but AWESOME makeup – I never got around to emailing her – I SO should have. I’d love to tryit out.

  5. You look fabulous darling!! 😉

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