#365Thanks – Week 1 – Recap

Holy crow – Week one recap ALREADY?  This year is already flying by!  Part of that has to do with the fact that I JUST came back to work yesterday so…. yeah, playing catch up a bit and you know how when you are on vacation your days all run together?  I seriously have to keep checking my calendar to see what day it is.  And by “calendar” I mean my iPhone or Outlook… cuz the BIG dry-erase calendar at my desk… well, hasn’t been updated since November… No lie.



Ok, So add THAT to my list of things to do today LOL


Seriously though… So WAY back on Sunday, Alysa (@inspiredRD) started the #365Thanks Project – in case you missed it and want to jump on in and join in the fun)


Here’s my thankfulness:

Jan 1 – My Family

Jan 2 – Southwest Airlines who Carried my babies and I home safely

Jan 3- Extra time with my kiddos

Jan 4- A job to come back to

and today – Jan 5th – I am thankful for the show What Not To Wear.  I know it sounds silly, so let me explain…

When the holidays roll around – everything I normally DVR is in re-run status.  So I got a wild hair and decided to DVR “What Not To Wear” during an all day marathon leading up to the new season.  Last night, while folding towels, I was half heartedly watching some of the episodes – don’t ask me which one, they kind all blur together – and the words that Stacy and Clinton were saying hit me… HARD… and made me realize a few things that are so simple and yet needed to be heard… especially if 2012 is going to be the year of ME.

what I heard:

If you don’t take the time to put yourself together, you are sending the message that you are not worth it.  If you don’t think you are worth it, why would anyone else?  Guess what – YOU ARE WORTH IT.

and I am.  So this morning, for work, I managed to put on a blouse instead of the normal t-shirt, dressy jeans (you know, the kind without holes) and heels.  Yes.  HEELS.  I also accesorized and while I had no time for hair and make up, I managed a bit of mascara and lip gloss and pulled my hair into a ponytail (instead of the half-bun, half-pony which COME ON 0 does anything say I just rolled out of bed more than that?).  Perfection, no.  Better – Heck yeah.

So, I’m thankful for “What Not To Wear” for reminding me that the few extra minutes it takes to put myself together is worth it.  and I’m worth it too.





  1. Jen@FoodFamilyFitness says

    Ever since I became a stay at home mom, I have stopped putting forth the extra effort for myself…but at least I’m not the mom who shows up at 4pm to pick her kids up from school still in her pajamas…

    I have my daughter’s b-day party tonight, you just inspired me to put on some make up 🙂

  2. awesome list.
    and thank you for sharing the ‘what not to wear’ wisdom:)
    needed it today!

    • Funny how we always seem to hear what we need to when we need it… if only I remembered to listen more often 🙂 Glad to help 🙂

  3. I love it! As I stand here in my half ponytail 🙂 Thanks for being part of #365thanks!

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