31 Days to Build a better blog… with friends…

I love this blog.  Seriously.  Over the years it has become my soapbox, my sharing space, my journal of the kids lives… I finally love the layout and design thanks to Resa over at Resa Michelle Media who took an idea from the deepest darkest corner of my brain and made it come to life.  What it has never really had is a clear sense of direction.

I’m often asked on dates and at networking events “What’s your blog about” and the truth is that I have a hard time answering that.  It’s just me… flaws and all (especially flaws some days) and I don’t fit neatly into a niche like so many other amazing bloggers.  This is not a deal blog or travel blog… I don’t inundate you with beauty tips or recipes… although all of the above may show up from time to time.  This isn’t my full time occupation and has always been a hobby more than anything else but that doesn’t mean that I don’t want it to be better.

As with most areas of my life, I’m in a constant state of evaluation and improvement… Reviewing what works and what doesn’t and making the necessary corrections.  Now apparently is as good a time as any to apply my life philosophy to this here corner of the intergoogles.

So see… what had happened was… the lovely and talented Joanna who I’ve known for a few years now threw out an idea on the book of face.  There’s an e-book out there called 31 Days to Build a Better Blog that I had heard about and contemplated before but lacked the motivation to do anything with it… Apparently, so had Joanna and a few other friends so we’ve decided that there is no time like the present.  And since none of us can be trusted to do anything with this gold mine of information alone, we’ve built a Facebook Group to work the steps together… like a 12 step meeting but likely to include wine. {and by “we” I truly mean Joanna built it and added me as a member so I didn’t really have to do much of anything}

Here’s the gist of what you can expect from the program:

If you have big dreams for your blog but have been putting improving it in the ‘one day’ basket – you’re not alone.

31 Days to Build a Better Blog is a downloadable e-book designed to help you revitalize your blog by giving you 31 tasks that will all help to turn it into the page view powerhouse you’ve always dreamed of.

Each day in the project contains:

  1. A Task – something to DO that day.
  2. Teaching – each day you’ll be given great instruction on both the WHY and HOW of the task of the day.

This two pronged approach is designed so that you come away from the challenge having not only learned how to build a dynamic a blog but you’ll have actually DONE something with the knowledge.

I’m excited to kick this bad boy off tomorrow… I’m hoping that it will fit in nicely with my already planned month of blogging prompts but there may be days with multiple posts or *gasp* stretching to make both my prompt and the #31dbb tasks fit but would you REALLY expect any less from me?  {If so, Hi!  I’m Shelley.  It’s so nice to meet you!}

You can play along as well if you want to explore ways to take your own bloggy space to the next level!  Grab a copy of the e-book, join our happy little Facebook Group, and get ready to figure all of this out together!  If nothing else, any group with Joanna, Megan, Jeanae, Rebecca and Lydia is BOUND to have a laugh or two.  Plus, I’m hilarious on the book of face so we should be friends there too if we aren’t already.  Just sayin.

Disclaimer – This post contains an affiliate link. I receive a portion of the sales when you buy the book through my link.  You are under no obligation to use my link to make a purchase but if you’re gonna buy a copy ANYWAY… win/win



  1. I’m so excited that you’re doing this too! I was seriously surprised at how many people said they had the workbook or had thought about doing the workbook and just haven’t done it yet. With our powers combined…. I mean, we all love Captain Planet, right??

  2. I do have to agree that Resa is awesome 🙂 Love the design and good luck on your next month of blogging!

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